In this lesson we go over one of the most overlooked things in guitar playing which is rhythm guitar. We seem to spend most of our time focussing on things like soloing and scales and forget that it is the song that comes first and then the solo! So lets start looking in to how we can add more feel not only to our soloing but rhythm as well. In this video we will go over a few things like how hard to grip the pick, strumming options, muting, different ways to play chords, and how to use dynamics in your playing.
Want to kick your playing up a notch? Check out the website and take your playing from copying other peoples licks to creating your own!
Got a song request? Click the link below to enter your request. If I choose your request you will have a chance at getting a $10 guitar center gift card.
Looking for more free in depth instruction? Check out the videos below where I cover everything from acoustic strumming to how master your fretboard in the major and minor pentatonic soloing series.
Interested in learning how to solo better? Want to understand how and why your favorite artists solos sound so good? Click on one of the free video series below.
Major Pentatonic:
Minor Pentatonic:
Want to tighten up your acoustic strumming and rhythm guitar playing check out the strumming tutorial here:
Want a couple of drum tracks to practice your rhythm or soloing? Click on the links below:
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